Wearing Faith: The Story of a Karkari Disciple
Once upon a time, not so long ago, somewhere in this world, there was a young man—intelligent, educated, well-mannered, and free of any societal troubles—who was seeking a spiritual path that would bring him closer to his Creator. Though he prayed, fasted, attended the masjid, read the Qur’ān, and studied the books of the Sunna and the works of the ‘ulamā’ of Islam, he still felt a profound distance from the Divine Presence. He wrestled with countless questions, searching for answers that eluded him.
One day, while browsing online, he came across a video where a man spoke about the experience of Divine Presence, which he referred to as "divine light." According to the speaker, this light had manifested in a sensory form in his heart after taking the bay‘a (spiritual covenant) with a living walī in Morocco. Intrigued and deeply curious, the young man began exploring this path, watching dozens, if not hundreds, of videos until he discovered that some Karkari fuqārā (seekers) were living in his own city. He sought them out, asked all the questions that had been troubling him, took on the Karkari litany (wird), and began to practice it daily.
When he mentioned his new practice to his family, they responded with strong resistance, but the young man was determined. He continued his wird, connected with the local disciples and others through social media, and visited the nearest zāwiya weekly. After a few months, he formally took the bay‘a with the Shaykh over the phone.
This disciple then had a muraqqa‘a (patched cloak) made for himself, which he wore wherever he went. Wearing it was his way of embarking on the path of sulūk (spiritual journey), embracing humility, and publicly displaying his new identity as a Karkari disciple. From the day of his bay‘a, he perceived the divine light he had heard about from countless Karkaris, and he felt he had finally found the tangible connection with his Creator that he had long sought.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Īmān is a light that Allah casts into the heart of the believer, which grows with good deeds.”
A few months after taking the covenant, the young disciple traveled to Morocco to visit his guiding Shaykh in person and spent three months at the Moroccan zāwiya. Immersed in the Shaykh’s presence, he experienced profound moments in this blessed place, where the remembrance of Allah continued almost ceaselessly day and night. He witnessed the Divine Presence at every moment.
Upon returning home, strengthened by his spiritual journey, he continued to wear his muraqqa‘a at all times, seeing it as his way of doing da‘wa, encouraged by Sidi Shaykh. He kept in mind the verse: "And proclaim the blessings of your Lord." (Qur'ān, 93:11)
The disciple began a master’s degree at a renowned divinity school in his country but faced considerable difficulties within this new academic community. The dean, faculty, and even his peers expressed reservations about the new student and especially his attire. With unwavering resolve and a heart filled with divine light, he endured their disapproval, never parting with his beloved muraqqa‘a.
Two years passed, and finally, the day of his thesis defense arrived. Thrilled to have reached his goal, he invited his family and Karkari brothers and sisters to celebrate this milestone. Yet, two unpleasant surprises awaited him. First, his project supervisor demanded that he remove his muraqqa‘a, warning that the defense would not proceed, not that day or any day, if he refused. Reluctantly, he complied. The second surprise came when, in the middle of the defense, the session was halted, and all those wearing the Karkari attire were asked to leave the room. His Karkari companions, though disappointed, waited outside in support. Despite these obstacles, the celebration continued—albeit in the street—and the young man successfully earned his master’s degree with high honors. His family, the Karkari brothers and sisters, and the university staff were all pleased with the outcome—especially the faculty, now relieved not to see his muraqqa‘a again within the institution.
The muraqqa‘a, a patched garment crafted from simple, clean, and beautiful fabrics, fully covering the human body as required by the divine law (sharī‘a), had been used as the sole basis for judging the young man. They saw only an unconventional garment, overlooking the dedication and sincerity it symbolized. To the young disciple, however, the muraqqa‘a was a badge of inner freedom, a quiet defiance of superficial expectations, and a profound expression of his commitment to the Divine.
Fortunately, many other young Karkari, attending more tolerant schools and universities—especially in the United States, where several pursue postgraduate degrees in various fields—have been able to continue on the path of da‘wa, spreading the divine light wherever they go. Congratulations to all these young and older Karkari, especially to this growing scholarly elite, who persevere on the path of da‘wa, shining the divine light across the world.
A profound gratitude goes to Shaykh Sidi Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari, their spiritual father and guide, who has inspired them toward academic excellence, encouraging them to excel in every discipline, wherever they may be.
Publication Date
November 4, 2024
Marouen Jedoui